We secure your business with tailor-made cargo insurance for global trade and protect your interests during a claim.
SA\VE gives optimal protection during claims. Quick responses, experienced claim handling and a worldwide network of surveyors ensure optimal claims handling
> ask SA\VE for a quotation now <

FAST solutions during claims
Friendly – when a consignee is upset due to the quality of the fruit and you are worried about the relationship our friendly and professional staff will provide guidance and support Astute – the staff and surveyors will make the best possible decisions with regards to minimising the loss and ensuring that your business suffers a minimum impact. Service – our staff and surveyors are always available 24/7 worldwide to provide support and assistance Timeous – a surveyor will attend to the fruit within 24hrs of being appointed and a first findings report will be presented within 72hrs of inspection. Regular follow-ups ensure that the claim is handled speedily
Recovery Actions
Once a claim is notified, SA\VE ensures that your interests and rights are protected. Through recovery actions we try to reduce your loss ratio acting as always in your best interests.

Frequent claims arising from the same or similar causes can be eliminated through detailed analysis. SA\VE provides this service to all clients thus eliminating the costs of expensive long-term consultants.