General instructions to be followed in case of claim
For any claim exceeding an estimated amount of USD 5.000, a local surveyor has to be appointed.
Please follow these instructions:
Step 1
Provide SAVE with the following first information
- Type, quantity and current location of the goods
- Container number
- Description of the claim
Step 2
Secure rights of recovery from third party
Secure rights of recovery by sending the Claim Notification to the shipping line / carrier and invite them for joint survey.
Step 3
Inspect the goods immediately
Keep cargo properly cooled and safe until inspection.
Step 4
Contact the surveyor immediately and provide him with important information:
- Address of survey location
- Name of person in charge and relevant contact details
- Bill of Lading and packing list
Find the appropriate local surveyor here: Surveyor-Network
Step 5
Do not alter condition and packaging of goods
Furthermore, do not sell or move the cargo to another location until inspected by the surveyor, unless to comply with step 3.
Step 6
Prepare set of claim documents:
- Bill of Lading, Waybill or AWB (incl. reverse side)
- Packing list
- Booking confirmation incl. ETD, ETA and carrying instructions
- Commercial invoice
- Quality control
- Phytosanitary and origin certificates
- Temperature recorders
- Photos
- All other claim relevant documents